Have you heard about the Tassie Devil Hotel?

Have you heard about the Tassie Devil Hotel?

A Tasmanian Devil approaches the cave entrance, pauses for a sniff and scratch. Then ventures deeper into the cavern to its den. A spotted tail quoll curiously explores the periphery before darting away after a potential meal. A wombat stretches before waddling out of...
Tyenna River Restoration Project

Tyenna River Restoration Project

As leaders in plantation carbon project development, our advisory services enable our clients to achieve their sustainability goals while maximizing returns on their investments. Our approach focuses on leveraging the unique potential of plantation forestry to...
Trial of early forest fire detection a success

Trial of early forest fire detection a success

A new camera-based fire detection system has been trialed in Tasmania for the first time by SFM. The Firehawk system provides real time fire detection allowing for a rapid aerial-based response to potentially threatening bushfire ignitions and has been used...