ActivAcre Marks One Million Trees Planted.
ActivAcre has marked a major milestone, with more than one million trees planted on almost 1,000 hectares of land across the state, estimated to sequester more than 300,000...
Have you heard about the Tassie Devil Hotel?
A Tasmanian Devil approaches the cave entrance, pauses for a sniff and scratch.
Tyenna River Restoration Project
As Manager of Anglers Access at Inland Fisheries Service, Neil Morrow has a keen interest in Tasmanian river health and access.
Trial of early forest fire detection a success
A new camera-based fire detection system has been trialed in Tasmania for the first time by SFM.
Australian Bushfires 2019/20
2020/21 The devasting bushfires currently ravaging Australia will have a long term impact on the plantation forest industry. The future wood supply profile from affected forests...
Media Release – Access to Carbon Forestry Projects for southern Tasmanian landowners
Media release October 2023 Access to Carbon Forestry Projects for southern Tasmanian landowners A carbon-forestry initiative in the north of state has now expanded Tasmania-wide....